Entries by Emmanuel Edmund



This week a cheque for £1,200 was sent to CAFOD, the money was raised by parishioners during the season of lent. The cover letter included thanks on behalf of the Parish for all the good work done by CAFOD.

HIPZ Charity

January 2023 – The GBCT donates to the HIPZ charity

Zanzibar has the worst rates of malnutrition in Tanzania and the people working and volunteering for HIPZ change that. HIPZ sent an appeal to the GBCT saying “It is impossible to look at the facts around malnutrition in Zanzibar and not feel moved to act. Too many babies are born too small, too many infants have no access to nutritious food and too many pregnant women don’t have access to the supplements they need to ensure a safe pregnancy, The problems are stark, wide-ranging and they are impacting the future health and well-being of the whole population of Zanzibar. None of these problems are insurmountable. Zanzibar wants to tackle these problems and together with the Ministry of Health, we have developed a plan that will make a significant impact. We’d love you to be part of the solution. Read on to find out what we plan to do, and how you can help.”

Click here for HIPZ Nutrition Proposal for the Grant Bradley Trust

David Fuller Runs for Angolan Missionary

December 2022 – The GBCT has sponsored David Fuller who is raising money for a missionary in Angola. David met Eduardo when he visited Angola many years ago and has remained friends ever since. Eduardo and his family became homeless and so David decided to raise some money to help Eduardo build a new home. David is aiming to complete a 10km run having recovered from having one of his legs amputated following a car accident about a year ago. Here is a photo of Eduardo and his boys building their new house.


Archdiocese of Durban

August 2022 – The GBCT sent a small grant to the Archdiocese of Durban to help the priests, nuns, and laity in their mission to evangelize, help the hungry, and provide health care and education.


The Little Sisters of The Poor

November 2022 – The Little Sisters of the Poor are a group of Catholic Nuns who are devoted to caring for elderly people. In the Little Sister’s homes, no one dies alone. The elderly that are dying are cared for with love and dignity regardless of wealth or status as if they were Christ himself until God calls them home. 

The trust responded to a direct appeal from the Nuns as the Trustees have received great testimonials of the care provided, having received testimonials from residents known to the Trustees. Here is a copy of the thank you card received from the Nuns.

Mary’s Meal

January 2022

Mary’s Meals provide school meals for hungry children in some of the poorest countries in the world. 

In January 2022, all donations to Mary’s Meals were doubled through matched funding from the UK government so our Trust donated £500 which was doubled to £1,000. 

St Mary of Glastonbury

December 2021

The  floor in the catholic church of St Mary of Glastonbury is in need of essential repairs and so an appeal was launched in 2021.

The Grant Bradley Trust has a strong affiliation with Glastonbury and responded to the appeal by sending a  donation at the end of the year.


December 2021

inHope is a Bristol charity that supports the homeless and people in need.

The charity provides free meals for the homeless and needy at The Wild Goose Cafe, runs local foodbanks, provides a shelter for women and has a life recovery program for people with addictions. 

The Grant Bradley Trust has been a big fan of inHope for many years and in December made a donation in response to the Christmas appeal.