St Patrick’s Catholic Church
Clergy House, Dillon Court
Netham Road
Redfield Bristol
Tel: 0117 9557662
© 2021 The Grant Bradley
Reg. Charity 1093331
Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.
H. Jackson Brown Jr.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that who ever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Eastside Community Trust
July 2021 The Eastside Community Trust is a local charity that provides people of all ages with places and ways to connect. They are passionate about its community and putting local people in control so together we can build healthy and happy neighbourhoods. It informs and inspires action in Easton and Lawrence Hill making East […]
Hope Farm, Thembisa, South Africa
June 2021 Hope Farm also runs a school for the children whose parents have died of AIDS or who have left to look for work. The charity sponsors dozens of “Grannies” who care for so many grandchildren and orphans to have their own chickens, seeds and seedlings and a solar panel. The Grant Bradley Trust […]
Rev Fr Ikeokwu Ndu: Missionary Work
May 2021 Father Ikeokwu has worked as a missionary priest in parts of Africa and the United States of America. He has also had a spell as assistant priest at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Clifton, Bristol and then was based in Somerset for several years. Last year he returned to Nigeria to […]
March 2021 Missio ignites God’s love by helping local missionaries to work alongside global communities that are poor or in need, regardless of their background or belief. Sometimes this need might be very specific: a motorbike for a Priest to celebrate Mass in remote villages; a simple community hall so people can gather together; vaccinations […]
St Patrick’s School
March 2021 St Patrick’s School is a catholic primary school in the heart of St Patrick’s Parish. The school has a strong catholic ethos, encouraging the faith of its pupils. In March 2021 the Grant Bradley Trust recognised its importance with the parish community by committing to making a regular £2000 monthly donations to the […]
The Mill Hill Missionaries: Vocations Ministry and Soup Kitchen in Cameroon
March 2021 The Mill Hill Missionaries are an international fellowship of Catholic missionaries dedicated to announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ to people throughout the world. In March the Grant Bradley Trust made a donation towards the fellowship’s Vocations Ministry and Soup Kitchen in Cameroon.
Charity Shop in Bratislava – From the Archive
The Trust has helped set up the first charity shop in Eastern Europe! Fr Lubo Farkas, who appealed to Father Gregory Grant for help with a fundraising project, has written from Slovakia to tell us of the success of the charity shop set up by the Trust and parishioners of St Patricks Church. Its aim […]
The Little Sisters of the Poor – From the Archive
The Trust has donated £1,500 to The Little Sisters of the Poor who run St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly in Cotham. Sister Theresa (pictured with Father Gregory) said a big “Thank You” to the Trust which regularly contributes to the home.